Who We Are
To grow in Faith and share our Faith in God with the World around us

Our Mission
“The United Church is a joyfully inclusive and diverse community that embraces the many differences that come with being human. We believe that all people are made in the loving image of God and we recognize many paths to the Holy. Growing in our spiritual and communal life together, we worship, study, and serve our community. Rooted in our history and tradition, we are a progressive Christian voice in Lodi and the wider world. We are powerful advocates for social justice in our community. We are on the journey of becoming a vibrant, inspiring, innovative church in changing times.”
Our Values
United Church is currently the only Open & Affirming church in Lodi, CA. This means that all persons of the LGBTQA community are welcome here to worship, celebrate their faith, and be a part of our loving and accepting church family.
Our History
The United Church is home to a unique, blended congregation that recognizes the missions and traditions of two different denominations, The United Church of Christ and The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

As early as 1919, two dynamic Lodi-based congregations – First Christian Church and First Congregational Church – contemplated a merger to better meet the needs of their members and the community as a whole. This idea was ahead of its time and, in consequence, failed to became reality. In a letter from the era, the pastor of First Congregational Church expressed disappointed that the merger wouldn’t go forward, but proclaimed his confidence that a close, cooperative relationship would continue between the two churches.
Exemplifying the movement toward unity that is more visible today between many denominations, and recognizing the similarity of spirit in the doctrines espoused by The United Church of Christ and The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), First Christian Church and First Congregational Church merged on August 4, 1986.
A century after their individual establishment, the two churches finally became one – and now enjoy the richness of spirit that was not present before the union. Because of the merger, the United Congregational Christian Church is able to bring the strength of two denominations woven into a partnership of our journey of faith, ministry and worship within the community of Lodi, CA.
Sunday Worship Schedule
9:30am to 10:15am
Choir Practice
10:30am to 11:30am:
Sunday Worship Service ~ Rev. Dr. Leanne Wade
11:30am and onwards:
All Church Fellowship
Facilities & Services

* For more information on our services please contact the Church Office Manager